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Food Safety

Consumer Health

Raw Materials

Quality Control

Storage Procedures

Five Star Food Industries provides its customers with some information about the food safety of our products.


Consumer Health

We consider the food industry to be a sensitive industry that requires careful monitoring to maintain the safety of products and consumer health. Therefore, at our factory, we are committed to implementing strict health monitoring procedures for products and factory workers.


Raw Material

We use high-quality raw materials and store them properly to prevent spoilage or damage. We also regularly clean the equipment and tools used in production to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.


Quality Control

We apply a comprehensive quality control system for our produced products, and we regularly inspect them to ensure their quality and safety. We also keep samples from each batch of products for a specified period to enable their examination in case of consumer complaints.


Storage Procedures

We follow proper storage and distribution procedures for our products, where we store them in a dry and clean environment, and avoid exposure to excessive heat or high humidity. We also provide sanitary and appropriate packaging to ensure the safe delivery of our products to consumers.


Production and distribution

At Five Star Food Industries, we are committed to the highest levels of quality and safety in the production and distribution of our products, and we always strive to provide the best experience for our customers.

You can contact us.

If you have any inquiries regarding our products or services, we would be very happy to assist you and answer all your inquiries.

Contact us.

Manager: 00963941481618

Sales: 00963945909341

Accounting: 00963981780996

Marketing: 00352681113067



Syria - Idlib - Sarmada - Al-Jabal Al-Qabli.